International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories



       About Graphic Stories

  Graphic Stories Cyprus is a Non-Profit Organization that has established the annual conference on Graphic Design and Visual Communication in Cyprus, under the same name, since 2015. Graphic Stories is the only established, independent, annual, official conference in the field of visual communication and visual arts, graphic design, illustration, typography, semiotics, animation, photography, multimedia design, internet and web design, calligraphy, branding and design in general. It aims to promote and raise awareness in relation to the visual arts, locally and abroad and to encourage networking with cultural institutions, organizations and contemporary art groups internationally.

  It is an opportunity for meeting and interaction between designers in Cyprus and abroad on an annual basis. It also aims to cultivate visual literacy and the perceptual development of critical thinking about contemporary visual arts and related issues, both locally and internationally.

  Through the organization of conferences, lectures, exhibitions, workshops and interactive installations it aims to demonstrate and promote the value of visual communication to the public and its connection to events in social fields. At the same time, the implementation of the above actions aims to cultivate professional empathy among visual communication designers in Cyprus.

       International Poster Contest

  The International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories is announced every year and the right to participate is open to students of visual communication and professional designers from all over the world, as well as students of secondary general and secondary technical education in Cyprus. In 2021, 1420 participants from 45 countries took part, a record number for our contest. Graphic Stories' exhibitions have traveled beyond Cyprus to Greece, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Spain. The theme of 2022 is "The Power of Youth" and the participants are invited to design their thoughts & ideas regarding the theme of the contest which is: "The Power of Youth".

       The creative idea

  Young people are the most important and dynamic part of the population in every country. They are the driving force behind every change, social, economic and cultural. Young people have the curiosity, the idealism, the enthusiasm, the courage, the strength and the will to change the world. They are not just a part of the general population but the most important wealth of this world. They are the present and the future of humanity, and the hope for building a better future with more justice, more peace, more freedom, more flora, more sustainability and more inclusivity.

       Participation – Exhibition

  The participants can send their works from 10 July until 30 November 2022. The contest will not be extended. The results of the 50 posters that will be distinguished as well as the winners of each category will be announced and presented at the 9th International Conference on Visual Communication Graphic Stories on March 19, 2023, after the scheduled lectures, at the European University.