Face Mask Design Invitation from GDIO
In effort to meet demands for the face mask, China mask companies are gearing up to the mask production. In addition, a great many Chinese designers are pooling wisdom to cope with it by designing the various functions of face masks.
Now we would therefore like to launch the face mask design collection event. It will be greatly appreciated if you could design a creative face mask for the global battle against the virus. What’s more, we will recommend your design to the face mask manufactures in China within three month. Once it is adopted, we will help you to make it manufactured and marketed. If not, it will be also showcased on the GDIO website as public works.
Below is the information for the face mask design collection of GDIO:
Design criteria:
-must be an original design.
-must provide the name, brief introduction, and pictures of the design.
Deadline for submission:
May 6, 2020
Please send the design in png/jpg format to this email, and also attach a short explanation. We are eager to see your wonderful face mask design.
In the end, let’s take a look at four excellent works attached bellow, which were designed by Chinese designers. We hope these examples could inspire you to design better works.